Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Collaborative Project: Angee, RahLeeCoh, Megan


Bartender reaches into the cooler for a beer and then sexily walks to her first customer at the end of the bar and sets the beer down in front of her.

Customer 1: I just don’t understand it… we were such a great couple. But I am so much better without him I think.

(takes a drink)

Bartender: (washing a glass, expression nodding unenthusiastically)

Customer 1: (slams glass down)(crying like voice) I don’t need him and his Greek god body or his delicious face…his angelic pools of blue that were so…so…

(cries and puts her head down)

Bartender: …I’m sure he will be back. (unenthusiastic but polite)

Customer 1: (lifts head) You know what, you’re probably right. I bet he misses me too. I’m going to lose weight and get a perm…maybe a manicure. And then he will love me. He misses me. Oh I know he does. I need to call him. Oh you’re so understanding. Thank you. (hiccup) He loves me. I’m calling him. (she gets up to leave)

Bartender: (polite expression until audience hears door close- then she rolls her eyes annoyed)

[Customer 2]

Customer 2: You know what I hate about capitalism?

Bartender: No, what? (completely uninterested but polite)

Customer 2: Ya know….capitalism makes me poorer and makes them richer…a..n..d..they say you’re not supposed to think about money all the time.. and that money doesn’t make you happy but what they seem to leave out every time is that you can never really be happy.

Bartender: Yea, I totally understand (sarcastic but polite tone)

Customer 2: Ya, see you’re pretty though, so you got a better chance than me.

Bartender: Oh, stop.

Customer 2: But anyway, life is a steady moving cycle and the little man just gets crushed by everybody else.

Bartender: Umm (fondles with hair) well…

Customer 2:I’m tired of everybody crushing me, and everybody else just getting by, fuck…man.. the worlds out to get me.

Bartender: I think you might have had a bit too much to drink.

Customer 2: And nobody ever listens to me and calls me crazy all the time, but I’m not I know it, see the reason I’m so poor is because the government isn’t helping me at all, they just take and take….and they be spending all the money on aliens and covering up stuff, like I know I saw a UFO.

Bartender: Yea, I think it’s time for you to stop drinking.

Customer 2: I knew you wouldn’t understand, I see you with you fancy clothes, and your pretty face, you just wouldn’t know.

(man storms off)

[Customer 3]

Bartender walks into the frame in front of her third customer. She leans in putting her elbows on the bar and smiles as she asks what he would like to drink.

Customer 3: (looks around the bar) Yeah…uh…how much is a crown and coke?

Bartender: (her smile quickly disappears and she cuts her eyes)

That would be five dollars. (she says this with a snappy tone.)

Customer 3: Shit that’s expensive! Just give me a bud light on tap.

Bartender: (gives the man his drink)

Customer 3: This is a nice place. It’s a lot better than sitting at home in the dark.

Bartender: And why would you have to sit in the dark?

(she is very short like why am I in this situation again)

Customer 3: Aw it’s just been hard lately. My lights got cut off yesterday. Hell I can barely afford to buy groceries. You know I’ve been thinking about going to the government for help but there’s just not enough time in my day to sit in a damn waiting room for hours on end. Hey babe can I get another one?

>Show the man drinking more and more and the bartender serving him. Include close ups of her showing extreme gestures of an approaching nervous break down. (sighing, rolling eyes, head in hands, shakily smoking)

Customer 3: I’m sorry honey but I’m not going to be able to tip you. I’ll hook you up next time. Let me go ahead and get that crown and coke and my tab.

Bartender: (finally flips out)

I deal with you fucking assholes every single day! “I’m so broke.” “My life sucks.” Ahhhhhh! Fucking get over yourself and do something!

If you are that broke the last thing you need to do is sit at a bar spending your last fucking penny on drinks!

(she slams the glass down, throws ice in it, rushes around to fix the last drink and slams in down in front of the man)

There you go sir! Have a wonderful day!

Customer 3: (lays down some money, throws his hands up and storms out of the bar)


Set dressing list: normal set up of the bar

Prop list: Apple juice, empty beer bottles, empty crown bottle, brown food coloring

Costume List:

Bartender- [female] sexy revealing blue shirt to accent her eyes, hair in updo

Customer 1- [female] grey quarter sleeve shirt, curly hair down to shoulders

Customer 2- [male] button down flannel shirt, long hair

Customer 3- [male] worn out t-shirt, messy short hair

Shoot date: Sunday February 7, 2010

Call time: 10:00 am


Location photos:

Storyboard and Lighting Map:

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