Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Pitch: Dealer's Choice Time!

Rough edit of initial script/screenplay:

Act I
Setup [ sense of place, characters ] and Inciting Incident [ an event that sets the plot of the film in motion ]:
The scene starts as a far away shot of a field and two cars are seen on opposite sides of the frame
Between the two cars the audience sees two people, and one is standing looking down at the other character, who is on the ground barely able to hold themselves up

Exposition [ events progress and character relationships are established ] and Dramatic Situation [the circumstances surrounding the action]:
The scene shifts and the camera is placed looking up from the ground at the character standing (Leon)
Leon has bloody knuckles and is seemingly in a rage - he leaves the frame only to come back and aim a gun retrieved from his car and aim it right where the other character (Grace) would be, he then fires
The scene shifts and the camera is placed behind the driver's door of a car, Leon is seen getting into the car and leaving Grace
The scene shifts and the camera is placed in front of Leon's car with a close-up of his face as he glares angrily at Grace and proceeds to drive away, leaving her beaten and seemingly dead in the middle of nowhere

Main character [ the person in the story who has a need/objective to fulfill and whose actions drive the story is established ]:
The scene shifts and the camera is on the ground at Grace's level as she coughs up blood, letting the audience know she is not dead
The scene shifts and the camera is in the passenger seat of Grace's car, facing outside watching as she is shaking, and in a general panic as she drags herself to the car and gets into the driver's seat
The scene shifts and the camera is outside the car from the driver's side as Grace reaches for the glovebox and we see them reappear with a glucose meter
The scene shifts and the camera is outside the car from the passenger's side as she does a reading of her blood and she pulls out a candy bar that she takes a bite of as she catches her breath and pulls out a dented cigarette case that has a bullet jammed in it
The scene shifts and the camera is outside the car from the front as Grace closes her eyes and sighs deeply, still eating in slow movements

Dramatic premise [ what the story's about ] and Plot Point 1 [the moment when the hero takes on the problem]:
The scent shifts and the camera is in the passenger seat as Grace's face changes into one of anger and she quickly starts her car
The scene shifts and the camera is outside the car at the spot where Grace was laying only moments before, watching her peel away after Leon

Act II [Confrontation]
The scene shifts and the camera is on a kitchen counter watching Leon washing his hands at his sink
The scene shifts and the camera is across the room by a table with the jacket that Leon was wearing as he shot Grace, it has blood splattered on it and there is a bottle of ammonia open as he is attempting to clean it
The scene shifts and the camera is watching the stairs and the audience notices Grace's legs as she walks up the stairs with latex gloves on
The scene shifts and the camera is on the other side of the table where Leon is cleaning his jacket, and there is a sound of someone closing a door heard from far away - Leon looks off in the direction of the noise looking at first confused and then questioning as he walks out of frame
The scene shifts and the camera is in the living room where the front door is seen and Leon walks into the room looking around confused - he proceeds to go to the door and open it and look around outside
The scene shifts and the camera is on the other side of the living room looking at it from the closed door - another noise occurs and Leon whips around to see what is going on
The scene shifts and the camera shows us Leon's face, he goes from looking scared to looking angry and then as another crash occurs he goes back to looking panicked
The scene shifts and the camera shows a sliver of Grace smiling in the foreground and Leon is walking slowly along the wall towards where she is hiding - she slinks out of frame in time and Leon doesn't find her
The scene shifts and the camera is on the kitchen counter again and we see Leon looking around carefully

Act III [Resolution]

Climax [ The point at which the plot reaches its maximum tension and the forces in opposition confront each other at a peak of physical or emotional action ]:
The scene shifts and the camera is on Leon but angled to see Grace swiftly come behind him, grab his head, and jab a syringe of clear liquid into his neck (this scene may require one or more camera angle changes for the changing of a needled syringe and a non-needled syringe due to the actor not actually being injected with anything)
The scene shifts and the camera is angled from the ground watching as Grace just looks at Leon for a moment

Denouement [ The brief period of calm at the end of a film where a state of equilibrium returns ]:
The scene shifts and the camera is level to where Leon has fallen dead, Grace's face appears and lingers for a moment before she kisses him on the forehead before her head lifts out of frame
The scene shifts and the camera is back by the table where Leon was cleaning - Grace drops the needle beside the ammonia that now has a tiny hole in the side about the size a syringe would make, and she grabs the half empty pack of cigarettes that Leon has left there
The scene shifts and the camera watching Grace emerging from the front door with cigarette in hand (vinyl gloves still on) and she walks out of frame

[[there is a lot of camera angle changes - but honestly I think it will be do-able if this idea wins and I have two or three other people on my team to help out, that AND scenes usually change due to location and available plugs and all that jazz - so it will be fine]]

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