Monday, January 25, 2010

Homework: Poptart

Poptart from Megan Snider on Vimeo.

[[Assignment Write-up]]

Idea process:
There were a lot of ideas in my head because this first project is seemingly limitless. With only a ballpark range for time and a million options for content it makes the idea process hard to narrow down. After thinking skits to do with toy dinosaurs or how to make a video cut so that it would appear that a hat would appear on my head with a snap of my fingers - the actual content of the video came from a moment looking off into the distance in my apartment. There was my Hannah Montana cardboard cutout in the window without much purpose.

My approach:
The concept of the video seems to come with the way that it was shot I think. While my roommate revved her car up and got ready to mow down the unknowing popstar, the camera would stay aimed on the smiling face of Hannah as she stands looking right at the viewer. Then, as it has been five seconds, the car comes into frame and the camera still lingers where the cardboard cutout was only a moment ago. The whole concept is irony and contrast and the simple fact that I abhor seeing Hannah Montana products everywhere I turn.

Technical challenges:
The day that this was shot it was very windy, so getting the cardboard cutout to stand up was harder than it would be if the weather was much nicer outside. We ended up using a cardboard box to house her and keep her standing - with a shoe in the bottom for extra standing support.

My frustrations:
The camera shake is an issue that could have been alleviated with a tripod, however most of the participants were pressed for time - so next time the shots will have to planned out much better and tripods will be set up in advance.
The video seems to be cut too short, and the laugh is somewhat bothersome.
But all in all - I think it came out rather well for what it is supposed to be.

What I learned:
If you ask art students to come and help with a video where you run over an annoying popstar...they will be more than happy to help.

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