Wednesday, January 20, 2010

First day of class

Because I was an actress in a lot of Biggles movies and once in Carter's movie, I came into this class knowing that I would be doing a lot of work. In all the times that it took for Biggles and Carter's movies the amount of time to actually shoot everything was one or two days more or less. Now that I am in the class and I am looking at the actual syllabus and everything, the amount of work combined with my other studio's is leaving me in a little bit of a frenzy.
With Photo 4 and Studio Lighting on the menu as well, each class with a lot of expectations, there really is no room for error. Therefore, I think it would be best to drop one of the classes that I don't need so much. That would be Intro to Philosophy, and that would leave me with four classes instead of five. Which is fine with me. I just really want to get this semester right - and I want to produce good work in each challenging studio class that I have.
Because we already have an assignment in Digital Cinema to make a movie by any means necessary, I am going to try to use my webcam at home - or check the settings on some of my higher line cameras and see if there isn't a setting for video.
Either way I am intimidated and hope that I can survive this semester.
Ideas for future movies:

"The Yellow Wallpaper"
"Rapancinni's Daughter"
"The Poison Tree"
Film noir: "Jack"/"Go Fish" idea
Girl with knife walks out/Split personality

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