Wednesday, March 24, 2010



The movie was long but the length helped as a viewer, allowing time for me to be sucked into the world that I was being pulled into. The shots were so dynamic and cinematic because they were so well lit and the compositions were so well controlled.
Some of the shots seemed to stick out to me and it pulled me out of the experience of the film.
One of the main shots would be the closeups of the woman's mouth and the different body parts at various times.
Another would be the Ex-Lax when it is first presented to the audience, the shot just seems to go on for a little too long.
But for the most part the mixing of the shots didn't bother me and they all seemed to flow well together - so much so that I wasn't even paying attention to the shots after a while because the story got me so sucked in. The subtle movements of the dolls that more implied movement than actually showed was a smart move, and allowed for the audience to not pay so much attention to "how did they do that?" which can take away from a viewing experience.
I wish that the text was more legible, perhaps just a different color instead of black since so much of the background on the shots is dark and therefore only some things can be read.

The ending with all of the mashed up shots seemed very successful.
The voice overs, the tipping back of the camera as she drank the bottles, and the dark dark lighting that only gave you clues - they all were edited very well so that the viewer becomes completely immersed waiting and anticipating what is going to happen (since it is already set up in the beginning of the story all the viewer has to wonder is "when?" and "how?")

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