Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Pitch Time: Shadow Film "Allegory of the Cave"

-Screen in foreground
-Puppets behind the screen
-Light source behind the puppets

Plato's Allegory of the Cave
[[The above link explains everything in the most basic way that I could find - check wiki for a tad more complicated run down of the allegory]]

By taking a story based on shadows and their symbolic meanings within a philosophical theory, the movie will create it's own illusion to the audience. Within the allegory the characters are watching shadows, and within the context of the assignment the audience is watching shadows. During the whole movie the same kind of animation is going to be presented so that the viewer is convinced of the animation and into the world themselves. At the end, once the character changes mentally within the story, the animation will be taken away and live action filming will instead take over. This parallel between the character being pulled from one state to the other, and the viewer being pulled from one illusion to the other is the main focus and reasoning of the film.

There may or may not be dialogue based on feedback within the class, either way there will be no talking of the direct characters and only narration over the top of the story if any dialogue is within the piece.


Inspiration links:
[The above link shows a tutorial on how to create a puppet - the puppets made in our film will be a combination of the two shown in the tutorial; made from cardboard and using string for moving arms, with rods to guide from behind]
[The puppets in the above video demonstrate the way that the puppets within our piece will move their limbs and the flipping from one side to the other will be taken care of in the edit to be seamless]
[[3:30 to around 6:00 are the best sections within the video as examples of movement]]
[[Above is a video showing the general setup of the cave that will be in our piece, our video will end at the part where the person is brought into the sunlight]]
[[The above video shows another very different take on the Allegory of the Cave, but the idea of not having any dialogue is a definite option within our piece]]
[[Above is just a really wonderful stop-motion of the Allegory of the Cave]]

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