Thursday, February 25, 2010

PreProduction Work: The Proposition

Reference Video:Prop List:
- Saxophone
-Doctor's kit (stethoscope, folder, white coat)

Costume List:
casual suit
black clothes (to kill victim)
very casual (when home)

-Pseudo Devil

lab coat



After discovering that he has been diagnosed with an incurable disease, one young musical prodigy finds himself on the verge of death. That is until fate comes knocking at his door. An enygmatic gentleman claims that he has the cure to the ill fated disease. And he is willing to give it to the young musician if he does one thing, kill.


The Proposition

Written by Joseph Coleman

Fade in:

Int. Dark Void - Young, well dressed man [Sax] playing the saxophone with great energy.

Cut To:

Int. Hospital Room - (door slams shut)

Extreme Close Up - Sax opens eyes in shock


How are you today?


Could have been better if I had my used my inhaler, but I was so into my performance that I just....forgot.


(laughs sullenly)

You’re still getting lost in the moment, I see.

Close Up - Doctors expression slips and Sax sees this


Is there something wrong, doc?


Your recent test results came back...




We have discovered that you have a very rare lung disease called LAM.

Sax, you all told me I had asthma. For six years, you all have misdiagnosing me?!


The symptoms of the disease mimics that of asthma, making it that much more difficult to catch at an early stage. Statistically, you shouldn’t even have it. This disease affects woman almost exclusively. The times that men have been diagnosed, they were unharmed due to hormones that men have to suppress it. But it seems to have mutated, and now we are at a loss.


So what, now? There’s nothing you can do?


I’m sorry.

Sax leaves the room, struggling to stand from the shock of the news he just heard.

Cut To:

Int. Medical Hallway

Sax continues to walk away.

Cut To:

Int. Hospital Room

An unseen figure enters the room.


(voice cracking)

He’s yours.

Act II

Ext. Alley Way - Daytime

Sax walks through alley on his way home.

Int. House

Sax sits on bed, and eyes saxophone. He then takes hold of it in a vain attempt to play it. All pent up anger is release through violent thrashing.

(doorbell rings)

Sax answers door, and is met by a bearded gentleman.


Hello, sir. My name is Dr. Bloom. I am a former colleague of Dr. Stacy. She informed me that she just recently diagnosed one of her patients with the LAM disease and I--


Who the hell are you?


Why, I am Dr. Bl--


No, who are you, really? Let me guess, you hang out at the clinic pretending to be a doctor just to find your next sucker, huh? Get off my porch!

Sax slams door on Dr. Bloom.

Sax begins to walk away, but turns around in contemplation. He runs to reopen his door.


Excuse me, sir. Come on in.



Cut To:

Int. Kitchen - Night


I apologize, sir. It has just been a rough day today.


Oh, I understand completely. You actually handled the news better than I years ago.


What? You have the same disease?


No, but my daughter did.


Really, how did she fare?


Well, she died five years after she was diagnosed. She had just graduated college, and was ready to see the world until she fell ill. Let me tell you, not from the pits of hell is there a more painful punishment than watching your child wither away before your eyes.


I’m sorry. I know when I lost both my parents that it was the lowest point in my life. The only thing that kept me going was my desire to experience the way that they wished. That, and my love for music. And now both have been stripped away from me by a disease that I’m not supposed to have, statistically.


And this brings us back to the nature of my visit. Doctor’s worldwide, and myself, have devoted our lives to researches this disease. And just recently, we have made tremendous breakthroughs. By fortune, I ran into Patricia today and she told me of you. So here I am.


Wait, so are you saying that you can actually cure me?


(laughs slightly)

Well, it is in the realm of possibilities.


But why me. Why not experiment on monkies or something and spare yourself a potential lawsuit for a possible cure.


There is only so much animal testing can do. We have to attack the source, not tip toe around it for sake of comfort. Now, I’ll be honest with you. This disease is still hiding in the dark. Your diagnoses more than speaks for that. So, I present to you a proposition.

You take part in my research, and I can cure you.


I don’t kn--


You don’t have to decide now. If you so choose to fight this, then here is the address to my office.

Dr. Bloom hands Sax a business card, and precedes to leave the kitchen.

Cut To:

Ext. Outside of Sax’s doorstep

Dr. Bloom steps pass the doorstep.

The Gentleman

It was nice talking to you, young man. Have a lovely night.

Fades to black


Fades In

Ext. Outside Dr. Bloom’s Facility

Sax stands before the entrance as he makes sure that this is what he wants.

Cuts To:

Int. Dr. Bloom’s office

Dr. Bloom

Hey! You came! Have a seat.


So, when can we get started.

Dr. Bloom

Whenever you are ready.


I don’t want this. Shoot me up.

Dr. Bloom


Ok, ok. But first things first. I have a contract here that you must sign. You know, as a precaution.

Sax looks at the Doctor uncomfortably

Dr. Bloom

Oh, there is no need to worry. This is just the business part of things. You need a contract for everything nowadays, in my time it was a man’s word that was bond.

Sax reads the contract, and something catches his eye.


Hey, you say that upon agreeing to these terms that I am obligated to fulfill my duties.

Dr. Bloom



And what are these duties?

Dr. Bloom

Quite a simple one, really. You must sacrifice someone.



What the fuck’s this shit? I knew not to trust you. I was actually buying into this scam.

Dr. Bloom

This is not a scam, my friend. This is just a transaction between to gentlemen, you supply me one death and I give you the treatment.

Sax begins to make his exit.


Look, I don’t know who you are but you stay the fuck away from me. Come near my home again and I’ll kill you. Understand?!

Sax begins to walk away until he collapses on the floor in pain.

Dr. Bloom

You see that? The pain you are feeling is the sign of weakness. Don’t worry, it is not your fault. You have been conditioned to accept such a pitiful existence. All of man has. Before you, is the cure but you won’t take it because of some false sense of morality. Nothing in this world is moral, except for chance. I can sense the strength you have to break free of this prison your body has become, but you must realize it for yourself. Only then will you gain a second chance. Do this one thing and I will set you free. No more pain, no more weakness, you will be cured.

Sax keeps his hand steady enough to sign the contract.

Dr. Bloom

Fades to

Ext. Suburban Neighborhood - Night

Sax stands before a quiet house.

Dr. Bloom


This is your chance.

Cut To

Int. Dark Bedroom

Sax walks quietly towards the bed of his sleeping victim. Sax takes one more step as he aims his gun towards his victim.

(floor creak)

Dr. Stacy

(turning around in bed)

Wha? Oh my God! James! What are you doing?!


Dr. Stacy? Dr. Sta--

Dr. Stacy

He sent you didn’t he? Listen, you don’t want to do this. Don’t ruin your life like this.


What life? I have no life, not unless I do this.

Dr. Stacy

No! NO!


Im sorry.


Cut To:

Ext. Suburban Neighborhood

Sax runs away from the scene as he gags at what he has just done.

Fades to

Ext. Park - Night


I did it. Dr. Stacy is dead now.

Dr. Bloom

Wonderful. I knew you would not disappoint, that is a ver--


Cut the bullshit. I did what you asked. I want that cure.

Dr. Bloom

And here it is, my friend.


You’re not my friend.

Sax grabs the syringe that Dr. Bloom hands him. He then proceeds to take the medicine.

Close Up

Needle drops to the ground.


(breathing heavily)

Why can’t I breathe?

Dr. Bloom

Because you are dying my good man.


I this was the cure. You told me I was going to live.

Dr. Bloom

I said nothing of the sort. As we agreed, I gave you the key to your release. You’re free now. This is my gift to you.

Dr. Blooms leaves Sax to his fate.



But I wanted to live. I wanted to live.

Fades to black