Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hilton Hotel Viral Video Idea

combining these two ideas into one could be interesting
The idea of scattered things like the pennies with personalized colorful options like the socks all coming together in the end would show community and choices
Community: when all of the things meet up in the end they would be just like the table from the "Oasis" that brings people together to eat
Choices: each thing would have it's own pattern and color and size and shape, making it apparent that there is a large web of options and personalization like so many things inside the room and the "Oasis"

"A place to collect yourself"
The characters would be a collection of clothes belonging to a woman and man that materialize into actual people once the items all meet up

Places that the objects would move through:
Bed - tank shirts
Tv - mans shirt
Cooking area - guys jacket
Couch - mans pants
Shower - dress
Ironing board - woman's jacket
Closet - shoes

All the items meet at the door and the two leave looking happy and refreshed
"A place to collect yourself" comes on the screen as the door closes

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